Thursday, July 19, 2007

On Knowing Where It Hurts

My husband yesterday was complaining about a paper he has to write. It's a final for a negotiation class where he has to lay out the plan for his life. I know, I didn't ask either.

"I can write it for you: "My plan is to go back to being a husband!""
"No, it needs to have something to do with negotiations!!"
"Okay, so, "I negotiated with my wife that at the end of this block I am going to go back to being a husband and not a roommate.""
"Am I being a roommate?"
"Yes, but not a Gug-like roommate. A Christophe-like roommate."

I know that without knowing the details of our previous living situation this is going to be a hard reference to catch. Nevertheless, I got back today to a clean kitchen and to trash taken out. Knowing where it hurts really does miracles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is unfair game!
You cannot pull a Christophe on me so lightheartedly...