Monday, March 12, 2007

On Trip Packing

Our very first trip as a married couple was a true dream- two weeks in French Polynesia, dreaming among turquoise waters and dolphins and turtles… a fantastic, fabulous trip that we had both long dreamed of before even meeting each other! A picture-perfect honeymoon! What was interesting in that trip was the apparent reversal of roles between the stereotypical all-packing bride and the frugally-packed groom.

We traveled with 3 checked-in pieces, two carry-ons and a purse. The suitcases we checked in were the largest pieces of luggage we could find in the house: His, Hers, and the communal snorkeling gear. Upon our landing in Tahiti we learned that Air Tahiti has a truly, truly low luggage allowance, in the realm of 25 kg per person. Each of our suitcases was easily exceeding 35 kg. Needless to say, we had to pay a penalty for excess luggage (and after we saw the airplanes that were actually taking us around, we really figured out why!), with my husband fuming, AT ME, for packing the impossible- and "I can’t believe YOU made us go above the limit". A mortified newly wed, I did not retaliate- better yet, I did not even think of questioning the statement!

So, we get to Rangiroa and our first Hotel, the weather is great, the average temperature exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and we start unpacking. This is where I discover the following items in my husband’s suitcase:

- FIVE pairs of jeans;

- TWO WOOL sweaters;

- FIVE pair of shoes, among which a pair of winter shoes;

- Socks in adequate quantities should the ice age surpise us on our honeymoon.

I want this to go on the records, he packed more shoes than ME!! This stopped his complaints about paying extra fees on air travel, and his decision to make me the “Supreme Authority on Packing” of the house. Ever since our honeymoon, my husband checks with me whether his packing “idea” is appropriate for the season and the occasions we’re likely to encounter upon travel. He puts together a pile that I examine and make suggestions upon, and we have substantially reduced our traveling volume since. He is entitled to carry one LESS pair of shoes than me (independently of how many I pack, his quota is capped at (1-x)- I still find it embarrassing FOR ME that he brought more shoes than me on our honeymoon!) He is also entitled to a little less than half the packing space we allocate for the trip. And MY beauty case needs to fit in HIS half.

Household policies are good. The sooner you lay them out, the better for the future of your marriage!

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